Hi, my name is Hind and I’m on a lifelong quest to learn and share as much as I possibly can about *optimal* health.

My goal is to bring balance to the conversation without judgement, nuance without dogma, and context without absolutes.

With Holistic Hind, I hope to empower others to develop personal control of their health, to become self advocates and better informed consumers, and to actively shape their own health and life.

What is the purpose of my website?

There is an overwhelming wealth of information out there, often contradictory and confusing. My mission with this page is to make information accessible to all and translate this into practical ways to improve your life.

What type of content can you expect?

Balanced and nuanced mind, body, and soul content. This includes:

  • Evidence-based nutrition and wellbeing resources to navigate nutrition and find optimal health

  • Product, therapy and trend reviews to help you make more informed decisions

  • Practical tips and tricks to make your lifestyle and nutrition work for you

  • Recipes and inspiration to eat well and feel good

What type of content should you NOT expect?

I don’t offer medical advice and I’m not here to sell you anything, although I might get a very small commission if you purchase something that I’ve recommended or linked to on my website. I might also charge a small fee for sharing resources that have taken me a lot of time and effort to put together.

What is my content based on?

Mostly on my personal research and experience, but also on my Nutritional Therapy training. Although I’m a certified health coach and Nutritional Therapist in training, I am by no means a medical professional, so I will never provide medical advice.

Do I offer 1-2-1 services?

At the moment, I do not offer 1-2-1 services as a Nutritionist or Health Coach. I will offer these services once I complete my qualifications. I do however offer recipe development and brand consulting services.


Welcome to my platform, Holistic Hind. Holistic Hind was born because I believe it is my life’s work to share the information I needed when I was struggling, and to offer help in a way that is accessible to all.

My mission is to empower others by passing on the lessons that helped me reach a state of wellbeing I never thought I could achieve.

I’m a certified Functional & Primal Health Coach and Nutritional Therapist in training, at the College for Naturopathic Medicine (CNM). While I finish my studies at CNM, I work as a Researcher by day and a self-experimenter/self-healer/biohacker/blogger by night. But let’s talk about the stuff that brings you to this page:

The journey that led me here began 8 years ago, when I hit rock bottom. Since then, I’ve recovered from IBS, SIBO, H Pylori, gastritis, anaemia and pre-diabetes, and found my way back to optimal through research and experimentation!

At age 14 I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and chronic anaemia. The chronic nature of both conditions and the lack of a clear cause meant I had to ‘learn to live with it’, with some help of long-term pharmaceutical drugs. Doctors were unable to give me any answers and I was struggling to live a ‘normal’ life. After graduating from university, I hit a wall from trying to manage my conditions while under constant social and academic pressures.

At this point, I turned to the internet and started looking into alternative ways to manage these conditions, researching root causes, and whether lifestyle and diet changes could help. I was encouraged by some of the stories I came across, but also felt hopeless from the number of helpless people and overwhelmed by the wealth of contradictory and confusing information out there. I dug in and powered through, spending hours on end reading through clinical research and anecdotal evidence, and was able to help myself heal eventually.

Shocked and encouraged by the power of doing my own research and of taking a pro-active approach to my health, my journey developed into a growing pursuit to feel my best, physically and mentally.

My research and experimentation have led me down many different routes. Some were helpful, others were a waste of time and money. But I started feeling better over time, learned something from every experience, and had my opinion changed several times along the way. I developed a strong voice, became my biggest advocate and felt like I was taking control of my health and life. No longer helpless and paralyzed by my conditions and the misinformation I had previously been fed.

More recently, I've also gone through burnout and adrenal fatigue, which I'm still recovering from - this experience opened my eyes to why 'healing' is a very holistic and non-linear thing - you can't treat physiological ailments effectively without addressing psychological issues. Which is why you'll often see me talk about burnout prevention, trauma healing, and finding purpose in life - mind, body, soul kind of stuff.

My research and experimentation were intended to be a personal project but along the way I met so many people struggling with similar or related issues, who were unable to find answers, or unable to dedicate sufficient money and time to feeling better.

With Holistic Hind, I hope to pass on the lessons that helped me reach a state of wellbeing I never thought I could achieve.

Thank you for being here with me.

Find your optimal health. We all have it - I promise.

My personal experience, research and experimentation have helped me and others become educated, develop stronger voices, become our own advocates and take control of our own health and lives and those of loved ones. No longer helpless and suffering from our inabilities but empowered self-healers.

Healthy eating shouldn’t be a stressful topic, it should be a joyful one! And let’s face it, life’s way too short to feel sluggish, tired, unhappy and confused about what to eat! I’m here to help you eat well & feel good.

Examples of things I share about and can help with:

  • How to manage and treat gut issues, like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO), gastritis, acid reflux, etc.

  • How to maintain a healthy blood sugar

  • How to naturally balance hormones

  • Paleo, ketogenic, low carb diets, and elimination diets (including gluten-free, dairy-free, AIP, low-FODMAP, SCD, low histamine, etc.)

  • How to fast in a healthy and sustainable way (including for women)

  • How to prevent and recover from burn-out

  • How to make delicious, nutritious and healthy cooking and eating easy, quick and simple

  • How to get the most nutrition and energy out of your food

  • How to get the best value for your money

  • How to choose the best products, supplements, therapies, etc.

  • How to optimise your life and feel better

Essentially.. how to make your life easier, feel better, and be your best!